Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2727 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Information, Please for Dorcas
From: julie
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 16:05:58 -0000

--- In , bountiekmd@c... wrote:
> HI Dorcas,

Just a reminder there are only 3 rules on this diet, reread the 
entire web site again if you need to. No snacks between meals, no 
sweets and no second helpings. So eat your breakfast minus the sugar 
and no seconds. have a cup of tea or coffee or a glass of water if 
you feel hungry before your next meal which should be at least 3-4 
hours between meals. Eat whatever you like for lunch(minus the sugar)
and no seconds etc...no snacking before your evening meal. There are 
really no meal plans, but eat what you like , try to eat healthy of 
course(fruits,veges,proteins,breads,fats). My first week personally 
was a bit rough, i was so afraid i would get crazy hungry between 
meals that i over ate at each meal to compensate. It didnt really 
help, but just made me uncomfortable. I quickly learned not to do 
that, and that i had plent of fat stored LOL for my body to use 
between meals. If you goof up, say i goofed up and start fresh the 
next meal or next day whatever the case may be. You can do this 
without making it complicated for yourself.we are all here for you 
so ask all the qustions you want. somebody will answer them for 
sure. Pretty soon this will be just the way you eat and not really a 
diet per se.So ask yourself ,what are my favorite foods? and where 
do they fit into this new way of eating? I suggest also in making 
your home food safe. That is take out the foods that are tempting 
you to over eat or snack.For me it was snack crackers, chips, 
sweets.for you it might be something different. Its great that you 
are busy and that will certainly help keep you out of the pantry. 
keep posting and reading, it really does help! Yu can do this and 
you can make it work and do it right ! 
Good Luck ,Julie
> This is my first week on Nosdiet and I really want and need to do 

this right.
> Please, can someone give me just a one day meal plan:
> > Any help/suggestions will be much appreciated.
> > 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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