Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2753 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Coffee and Cream
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 15:14:37 -0000

--- In , "Tom" <tomgunterman@y...> wrote:
> Unless somehow you increase your coffee and cream drinking to 
where it equals the calories you cut by nos-ing, don't worry about 

Hi there Tom. Congrats on your one year anniversary... I look 
forward to catching up to you and your one year mark, and I feel my 
best efforts will produce their "fruits" during the Spring through 

the Fall :)

> Also, don't expect 3 lbs a week. My advice, don't expect anything. 

Just do it.

....Very good advice on no expectations... So much dissapointment, 
not just dietary, can be avoided by simply not creating intellectual 
expectations... Trust in the Universe and be in the present. 
Without preconceived expectations we are open and in the moment. In 
the flow of Life!
I will say, that I think Ms.Savells really meant to say that if she 
knew that by cutting out coffee she would be certain to drop 3 lbs a 
week, she would, not that NoS promises to lose her that amount every 
week... At least that's my read on her post..
PS Savells, you sure "woke us up" to "smell the coffee" with your 

post... A popular subject it seems!

Tom, can I be a nosybody for a moment and ask what you feel has 
really changed for the better over this year? You sound like you 
really have your head on straight! Plus, what exercise are you 
doing? Urban Ranger perhaps?

> Don't sweat it. Good luck.
> Tom

....Good to hear from you Tom, and good advice...Men seem to 
simplify things alot and that is very helpful and sane :)

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