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Subject: Re: One more cup of coffee for the road.....To a crabby mommy
From: julie
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:36:11 -0000

HI Deb/Crabby Mommy
argh its saturday morning and i woke up too early. i have obedietly 
drank my 2 cups this am and will get my C.M.later when i go out.
I just finished reading the article, was very good. Of course I 
liked it because it's pro coffee !:) Nothing to burst my bubble! Hey 
God made the coffee bean, therefore it is good!! So have a great 
SSS'n day everyone. 


> and don't want to be a crabby mommy tomorrow :)
> Here's the article address:
> http://articles.health.msn.com/id/100098752?GT1=6065

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