Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2775 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Coffee and Cream
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 16:11:40 -0000

--- In , "us4savells" <knk.savell@c...> wrote:
> Right - Starbucks..... the fat and caloric intake of a Starbucks 
or Panera non fat cafe mocha is not bad.... It's 170 calories - only 
5 from fat.... A cafe latte non fat is 120 calories and 0 fat 
calories.... This of course is without whipped cream! :c)
So - that's not so awful, is it??

Kirstie :) That last question seems more rhetorical than asking for 
an opinion... I used to work at Starbucks for about 3 months while I 
was in school. The "Mocha" version of anything should be considered 

an "S" for NoS purposes... Basically all it is, is a fancier name 

for coffee with chocolate syrup.. And, depending on how many pumps 
of syrup, you could be adding 150 calories at one shot, of plain old 
sugar...The regular latte wouldn't be off limits during the week 
since it's not sugarfied.
I believe what Reinhard was referring to, in that last post, are the 
"Coffee" drinks that aren't really coffee. Frappucinos, and 
whatever Dunkin Donuts version is called, oh yeah Coolattas, are 
really just as bad as going to Carvel or Baskin and Robbins and 
ordering a medium ice cream shake..Trust me, I used to make these 
drinks, and they are very very syrupy with just a little coffee 
flavoring added. But they are okay on S days as a special treat to 
look forward to. 
PS. If you love whipped cream so much, here's a task that's both 
decadent and exercise related.
Get a stainless steel bowl, a whisk and a little pure vanilla 
extract and make a nice batch of homemade whipped cream- sans sugar.
Your arms will be crying "uncle" by the time it's done and you will 

have had a mini workout to earn your rich reward! :)
(no cheating with an electric hand mixer!)
Have a nice weekend :)

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