Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2832 of 3212

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Subject: Re: News Flash: "Bananas curse postings"
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2005 01:23:02 -0000

--- In , "Sharon Wilkins" <skwilkins@v...> 
> What knocks me right out is a combination of a cold house and 
something warm on my stomach, like a hot water bottle or heating pad.
....Thanks Sharon :) Insomnia is a "Shen" disturbance in 
Traditional Chinese Medicine, and our Blood carries our Shen... The 
Heart, "houses the Shen"... So I am not surprised that bringing 

blood to your internal organs, and away from your limbs helps you 
sleep as it helps to bring the blood to a more "internal" resting 

place, thereby also directing the Shen to it's housing in the 
Heart... I too hate an overheated house in the Winter, and would 
prefer to bundle up, no dry out my sinuses and Lungs....A friend 
wrote me off list and suggested a Yoga pose too, which I remember 
reading about once, where you put your legs up above your body 
resting on the wall... I think that this also would tie into 
my "Shen/Blood" model because you are directing all the blood to 

return to your center as opposed to out in the limbs of the 
appendicular skelelton.... Going inward, into a Yin quiet place...I 
will try them both, next time it happens :)

I have to distract myself with a book or make up a story in my head.
....Making up a story in my head is way too conscious and I have too 
many stories floating around in there anyway! LOL
Thanks for the warm water bottle idea, that sounds good to me!

> Warm milk, sweetened with a little honey.
Oh, and a shot of brandy or bourbon stirred in :o) Works like a 
charm! H 
....Thank you "H" :) I will pass on the brandy part, as alcohol 

gives me a crummy feeling once the initial 20 minutes of buzz is 
gone. But warm milk might help from the tryptophan... 
Thanks for writing me on this, I don't recall ever seeing a post 
from you before... Are you new or a "lurker" LOL :)

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