Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2834 of 3212

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Subject: yougart
From: Bonnie's Mail
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 09:09:27 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

with bananas....just kidding LOL! My husband swears by a yougart every
evening before bed. This works to help him get a good nights sleep, and 
probably works like milk. For me it is best to stay away from alcohol,,,,I
will be out like a light for a couple hours, and then awake for the rest 
the night!
Like last night, as we went out for dinner and a comedy show, so I drank
some wine......skipped the cake, even though it was an S day.......oh, 
applause please, I had 2 cappuccinos in the afternoon at work!

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