Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2835 of 3212

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Subject: Post in honor of my Dad
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2005 14:56:03 -0000

Hey guys :) Good morning!
Going out with my Father and Brother and some family friends for my 
Dad's 80th birthday today... Definitely an S day and we will be 
going to the famous NY steakhouse, Peter Luger...
Last time the family went I was not eating meat! I ordered a 
broccoli and potatoes! LOL :)
So my Dad and I are pretty close and he is a very special person in 
my life... Recently he fell ill to Parkinsons, he lives in a senior 
citizens low rent apartment,not assisted living but nice, and has 
had a rough few years... Before he got sick, and once in a while 
when he is in a rare good mood, he had a pretty funny sense of humor 
and I thought I'd share one of his cute "one liners"... it is sorta 

food related :)
My parents have been divorced since I was twelve but I remember one 
time when I was serving us some soup for dinner and asked him "Do 

you want a big or small spoon?". He replied, "Do you wanna eat fast 

or slow?"
I thought it was clever and maybe I will remind him of the joke at 
lunch today :) I always appreciated his take on things and his 
unusual sense of humor, and I'm sure lot's of it rubbed off :)
So all together, three cheers for my Dad Jack :)
Hip hip hurray!

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