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Subject: A possible saboteur of weight loss
From: Diane Sheats
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 11:22:34 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

This was recently posted at my other Yahoo group and Barry gave me permissi=
on to forward it. He summarized the topic very well, and it's not one you 
hear about in the mainstream press, so I post it for your consideration. 
hope it might help someone who wonders why they aren't losing. Barry also=
doesn't mind getting e-mail directly, if you have questions.=20


-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Barry Groves <barrygroves@...>
Sent: Feb 7, 2005 5:30 AM

Here is just a brief resume of some concerns. Soya contains:

=B7 Protease inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzym=
es needed for protein digestion. These inhibitors are not completely deacti=
vated during ordinary cooking. They produce serious gastric distress and 
duce protein digestion to cause chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake. 
In test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors cause enlargement and 
hological conditions of the pancreas, including cancer. (Rackis JJ, et al. 
The USDA trypsin inhibitor study. I: Background, objectives and procedural 
details. In Qualification of Plant Foods in Human Nutrition. vol. 35, 1985.=
=B7 Phytic acid, which inhibits the absorption from the gut of several 
mportant minerals, particularly calcium, iron and zinc.
=B7 Phytoestrogens and isoflavones which mimic the female sex hormone, 
=B7 Goitregens which inhibit thyroid activity.

This last one is important on this list because soya stops you losing weigh=

The thyroid gland produces hormones that have a profound effect on our 
es' metabolism -- the rate at which our bodies use energy. This in turn 
implications for the cause and treatment of obesity. It also affects such 
seemingly unrelated things as blood cholesterol levels.

In the condition known as hypothyroidism -- underactive thyroid -- the 
thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, thyroxin. As this 
ndition progresses, the thyroid may increase in size in an attempt to make 
more thyroxin. This produces an unsightly swelling in the neck called a 
tre. The most important cause of goitre is a lack of iodine and goitres 
endemic in parts of the world that are deficient in iodine. But these are 
rare in the West, where other causes of hypothyroidism and goitre are more 
prevalent. In the West, it is chemicals that suppress thyroid function -- 
oitregens -- that are more important. One such is fluoride, which will be 
iscussed later in this chapter. But soya also contains goitrogens.

In 1991, Japanese researchers reported that consumption of as little as=
thirty grams -- about two tablespoons ---of soya per day for just one mont=
h caused goitre and hypothyroidism to appear in some of their trial partici=
pants and many complained of constipation, fatigue and lethargy. (Ishizuki 
Y, et al. The effects on the thyroid gland of soybeans administered experim=
entally in healthy subjects. Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1991; 767: 622-6=
In 1997, researchers from the United States' Food and Drugs Administrat=
ion's National Center for Toxicological Research made the embarrassing 
overy that the goitrogenic components of soya were the very same isoflavone=
s that were promoted to help women through the menopause. (Divi RL, et al. 
Anti-thyroid isoflavones from the soybean. Biochem Pharm 1997; 54: 1087-109=

When the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient thyroxin, this slows=
down the body's metabolism -- the rate at which it uses energy. For this 
eason, including soya in the forms of flour, powder or milk in your diet 
uld cause weight gain or stop your weight loss.

Unless you want to swap one disease for others, I urge you to stick to 
ng real food.

Barry Groves, PhD
Author: Eat Fat, Get Thin!
Co-producer: The Perfect Weight Plan: Be slim without dieting. DVD/Video

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