Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 767 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Re: unknown
From: Maxine Smith
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 15:48:41 -0700 (PDT)
Like I had told you before every Monday I'm suppose to go to this club called TOPS 
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Well sometimes if I do bad during the week and am pretty 
sure I have gained weight I think of some reason not to go. We all do it. I have done 
pretty good this week except I slipped up today and had some coke. I'm really trying 
to give up soda all together. But you would think I could have waited until tomorrow. 
I heard someone say that soda is like candy in a bottle or can. Well anyway please 
keep emailing I can always use the encouragement. Oh by the way I did start my 
exercising back up. 

purpleldy1 <purpleldy1@...> wrote:

"I tend to hide when I am being bad. I come to my senses and start 

reading the sites again for strength. "

I thought I was the only one who hides when I am ashamed of myself.
My eating habits for the last two weeks definatly have not been
regulatin Nos. On the plus side I have been walking everyday. I just
hope they are canceling each other out. I don't dare step on a scale
to find out.


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