Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 788 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] introductions
From: Bonnie
Date: Sat, 8 May 2004 07:19:57 -0400 (Eastern Standard Time)
Hello NYC,
My problem is never Sugar, nor Seconds, but I do have a problem with
Snacks. If I wait too long between meals I get shaky and sicky-hypoglycemia-
so usually one or two snacks of either peanut butter on celery or apple, 
a little cheese must be downed when that happens. Other than that the diet
is painless and though I only lose a couple pounds a month, with a goal 
losing 25 pounds by the end of the year, that will work!
As far a walking , we are in a small town in Michigan, by lake St. Claire,
but no sidewalks, so we do laps around the track at the high school most
mornings. When we have extra time we go up town as we have a sidewalk there
and a lovely walk along the River.

-------Original Message-------

Date: 05/08/04 07:05:06
Subject: [nosdiet] introductions

hey all -

my name's risa and i joined a week ago or so. i'm from NYC - the walking
city, which is a benefit. i've not yet started on the nosdiet, but for 
past week i've been trying to get my portion sizes down significantly so 
ll feel more satisfied when i cut out snacking and stay strictly with two
full meals a day. yes, two - i learned the hard way, over many years, that
eating breakfast consistently makes my appetite uncontrollable, so eating
before noon is a bad idea.

i plan to start the diet this coming tuesday, per Reinhart's suggestion, 
my big issue is not going to be sweets or snacks, but seconds. i've
developed a habit over the years of finishing everything i cook if it's
possible. i haven't been very good at keeping myself to one-person
portions! i'm trying to get a bit better with that, as well.

anyway, it's good to be here and good to see a sane diet out there. i've
never been able to do a true diet, since i have some severe food
restrictions, so this diet works really well for me. thanks Reinhart!


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