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Hi Sophie, 1) do you feel like you are eating less? If you're sticking by the literal rules, as it sounds like you are, you should be able to get a good sense of this without resorting to journaling. If somehow despite the rules you are still managing to eat excessively, do you have any idea where excess is occurring? There are limited avenues for excess to get in, so this shouldn't be too hard. If, for example, you suspect that your single platefuls are too caloric, allocate more space for fresh fruit and vegetables. They're good in themselves, and demanding in terms of plate-space. In this way, you leverage your existing discipline. 2) If you really are eating less, I don't know what to say, except give it more time. There's no magic to this system. You lose weight because you eat less, you're able to eat less because the rules are clear and simple and humane. How long have you been strictly on it? As I mentioned in previous posts, I didn't weigh myself until a couple of months into it, so I can't vouch for results any quicker than that. Getting to be overweight took years, it's going to take a little while to sustainably get out of it. That's to be expected. Best of luck, and keep bugging us if you're having trouble, Reinhard --- TSHandelman@... wrote: > I have been delighted with this new way of eating > but I am having a problem. > The first 10 days I lost about 5 pounds! My weight > fluctuates a bit so I > wasn't surprised to gain a few pounds back and then > lose one. This process has > continued and I have gained back 4.5 to 5 pounds. > Now I am not cheating or > going crazy on the weekends. My way of limiting the > amount of food is to eat only > what I can put on one plate. No stacking! Also if I > don't get hungry for the > next meal I am sure that I ate too much at the > earlier one. I try to make > sure that doesn't happen. Any suggestions? Please > don't say write down > everything you eat. I have tried that in the past > and it just makes me crazy! Thanks > for any help. I am not giving up and must start > seriously exercising though > my life is busy with my family and running a > business. In other words I am not > just sitting on the couch all day. Thanks, Sophie > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been > removed] > > > > > > > > > > > > |
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